Christmas in Cathays

Your Last Chance to Make 2020 Sparkle

We can all agree that 2020 has been a bit crap, BUT, ‘tis the season to be jolly! Seeing as we're spending a lot of time inside in the run-up to Christmas, what better way to lift the mood than lights and glitter. 🎊Here’s all the guidance you need to turn your house into Santa’s grotto.

Christmas staple - THE TREE🎄

Now let’s be honest, would it even be Christmas if you didn’t get a tree? We know as students money can be tight, but no need to worry as Poundland and Lidl sell trees at a reasonable price, tall or small. Start with tinsel and a string of lights to get the tree sparkling, but you can always add a student stamp, for example adding leftover party popper string, bottle lids and anything colourful... that’s normal I’m pretty sure? Alternatively, Poundland sells pretty cute baubles.

Extra points if you can tell what the decorations are 🤷‍♀️

Extra points if you can tell what the decorations are 🤷‍♀️

Paper snowflakes

The ultimate cheapskate? We’ve got your back! Grab some paper, fold it in half and draw half a snowflake (as shown below).

excuse the terrible drawing #nobodysperfectxoxo

excuse the terrible drawing #nobodysperfectxoxo

Then cut out...

Then cut out...

Screenshot 2020-11-29 at 19.19.29.png

Voila! You have a gorgeous snowflake ready to stick up in your window!

Paper Chains.

Another favourite of the student with an overstretched budget. Grab a pack of plain or colourful paper and cut equally sized rectangular strips. If you’re feeling fancy, decorate the strips - maybe each housemate could write their name on their strips. Fold the strips into circles and glue the ends together, as shown below.

Then, thread another strip through and glue the ends of that strip together. Keep going!!

Then, thread another strip through and glue the ends of that strip together. Keep going!!

Screenshot 2020-11-29 at 19.22.04.png

Tinsel, everywhere.

Tinsel is super cheap, so why not! Wrap that stuff around everything - bannisters, table legs, maybe even your housemates?

After such a tough year I think we’re all in need of garish sparkle.

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Gift bows

Rules were made to be broken, so it's time to start using gift bows as decorations (rebel, I know). Gift bows scream Christmas and can be used in even the toughest places to decorate such as your fridge, microwave and wardrobes - mind you don’t pull off any paint though, having your landlord on your back isn’t very Christmassy.

Lights, duh?

If you’re feeling a bit down in the cold weather, a set of warm lights can lift the mood. Stars, santas and snowflake lights add a touch of festive fun to any room in the house, putting them up might test your patience so get Mariah blaring whilst you decorate!

You now have all the tools to become a master decorator. Good luck!

Screenshot 2020-11-29 at 19.25.21.png

We would LOVE to see your decorations, for a feature DM us your pics on insta @moove_n_groove, or email us at


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